
Chapter 5: Decision Days 1-3

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Chapter 5
Decision: Day 1

Ratchet raced over to the apartment that Springer and his team were renting.  Knowing that he would have to tell Springer that he told the council that he was the father of the sparkling, Springer would be boiling for quite some time.  As he approached the door, he heard yelling on the other side.  "Great… looks like I'm going to have to repair someone once I step in," he thought.  Knocking on the door, the yelling ceased for a moment.

"Door is open," called Kup.  Ratchet entered as Springer slammed the door to him room.

"I take it you were talking to him about claiming his daughter," said Ratchet.  

"Yeah, and he is still adamant about not claiming her," said Drift.  "He keeps saying that she is nothing but a burden and a curse to him."

"Oye… this is going to be one crazy uphill battle with him," said Ratchet.

"So, why did you come here?" asked Blurr.  "Weren't you supposed to speak with the council about Springer's daughter?"

"I did speak with them," answered Ratchet.  "But there is a problem.  I need Springer in here to hear this."

"Good luck trying to get him out of his room," said Perceptor.  "He's livid with all of us right now."  Ratchet wouldn't take that kind of answer and marched right up to his door.

"Springer, get your aft out here right now," he commanded.  "I don't care if you care about your daughter or not, but you need to hear this."

"I can hear you just fine through the door," shouted Springer.

"Either you get your aft out here now, or I will be dragging it out," threatened Ratchet.  "Take your pick!"  Springer was really not in the mood to talk with anyone, but Ratchet wasn't one to back off on his word.

"Fine," he grumbled.  Coming out of his room he sat at the kitchen table.  "What do you want to tell us."

"Well, as you know I went to speak with the council," began Ratchet.  "And Springer… I had to tell them who her parents were.  They know that you are the father."

"WHAT?!?!?!?" yelled Springer.  "WHY THE SLAG DID YOU TELL THEM THAT???"

"If I didn't tell them, they would have had her killed within the hour," said Ratchet.  "You are the only reason why she is still alive."

"What do you mean?" asked Springer, his temper already through the roof.

"Because you are her father, she is being given a 3 day grace period where you can claim her during that time."

"That's good though… right?" asked Kup.  

"Not really," said Ratchet.  "You see, after the three day period is over, she will be handed over to the science department.  I don't know what they have planned for her, but I can guess what they will do to her if you never claim her."

"What will they do to her?" asked Perceptor.

"Most likely… they will run test after test on her," said Ratchet.  "She will be given no rest or time to eat.  And when her spark gives out, she will be dissected.  That will be her fate if you don't claim her Springer."

"And why should I care?" asked Springer coldly.  "She's a curse to the Cybertronian race and means nothing to me."

"Springer, she is your child," said Ratchet.  "She doesn't know what's going on, much less why she's so different.  You can't judge her just by the fact that her mother is Arcee."  

"Why don't you just give her to the science department and save all of us some time," grumbled Springer as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.  "Look… I've already stated that I don't want her and I don't care to have her.  If someone else wants her, fine.  But I will not have anything to do with her."  He then left and slammed his bedroom door.

"This is one uphill battle that I don't think anyone can win," stated Ratchet.

"But do you really think that the science department will run her through tests?" asked Drift.

"I've seen it happen once before," said Perceptor.  "At one time, we got a hold of one of Jhiaxus's experiments.  She fought us relentlessly as we put her through countless tests and trials that ultimately did kill her.  Once her spark gave out, she was dissected.  After that, she was unceremoniously thrown out like a piece of garbage."

"Were you a part of that?" asked Blurr.  

"Thankfully, I wasn't, but it haunts me to this day because I didn't do anything to stop it, said Perceptor.  "If I had a chance to redo that all over again, I would have stood up and told them to stop it.  Seeing this little femme, maybe Primus is giving me a second chance to finally say enough."

"You should tell that story to Springer," said Ratchet.  "Maybe that will get him to change his mind."

"You hope at least," stated Kup.

"Who knows," said Drift.  "Maybe it will change Springer's mind.  I mean, Perceptor has seen what the mechs in the science department do.  He has a better idea than any of us."  As everyone began to talk about ways to get Springer to claim his child, Springer had overheard everything through his door.  He had never heard Perceptor speak about when he worked in the science department.  Shoot, he had completely avoided the subject all together at all times.  Now, it was making him think about what may become of the little femme.  If he didn't claim her, no one would know that he was the father of the little femme.  But if he didn't claim her, he might as well have been signing her death warrant in her CNA.  Flopping down on his berth, he began to wonder what he should or shouldn't do.


As the day finally came to a close, Ratchet bid his good-byes and went straight back to medical to find Shaman sleeping next to the little femme.  Optimus, Ultra Magnus and Alpha Trion had left hours ago to see to some business.  As he entered the nursery, he gently nudged Shaman awake.  "You can go home if you like," he stated.  "I'll take over her care for the night."

"It's quite alright sir," said Shaman with a smile.  "I really don't mind watching over her.  She's well behaved and Optimus Prime and the others really liked her.  She tried to play with them and communicate.  I feel so sorry for her though."

"Why do you feel sorry for her?" asked Ratchet.  "Is it because of the short grace period that she has been given?"

"Yes sir," said Shaman as he nodded his head.  "It's just not fair that she has no say in this.  Even if she could speak, she still would have no say."

"Shaman, Springer is the one that will have to live with this forever," explained Ratchet.  "If he doesn't claim her, her blood is on his hands."

"I know sir," said Shaman.  "I just wish I could take her in if he doesn't want her."

"If I had known, I would have made that part of the agreement," thought Ratchet aloud.

"I actually brought it up with Optimus, Magnus and Alpha," explained Shaman.  "They said that they would have to run it by the council, but to not get my hopes up."  He looked down at the tiny life that lay sleeping in the crib.  "Just really wish I could do something so she can live a full life."

Day 2

Springer woke up before his alarm when off.  His mind was still racing from everything that he had heard yesterday, but was now wavering on if claiming his daughter was worth it.  If he didn't claim her, she would be mercilessly killed.  But if he did claim her, would he be able to…  He shook his head and just didn't know what to do.  Maybe if he did some research to figure out all the pros and cons of taking care of her, he could make a better decision.  Leaving his room, he grabbed a cube of energon, guzzled it down, and left to go to the library.
As Springer entered the massive building, he went for the main desk.  "Excuse me," he began.

"Oh, how can I help you today?" asked the bot behind the counter.

"I was wondering if you had any information on sparklings here," said Springer.  

"Yes we do sir," smiled the bot.  "It's on the 5th floor.  I can show you exactly where it is if you'd like."

"Thanks, I'd appreciate it," said Springer.  As he was escorted to the area, he wondered how many records were even stored here, or if they were in the hall of records that was down a few blocks.

"Here it is sir," said the mech as he motioned to Springer.  "This is all the data that we have for sparklings from all mechanical races that we know about currently and a little here and there about human offspring."

"This will do just fine," said Springer.  "Thanks for escorting me here."

"It's no problem," said the mech.  "But if I may ask, why are you interested in sparklings?"

"Let's just say… something unexpected came up and I'm trying to weigh out my options."

"Fair enough sir," smiled the Mech.  "If you need anything else, just let me or any of the other staff here know."  Springer nodded and began his research on the care and raising of sparklings.

He started with the Junkions and how they raise their young… but that proved to be pointless on many levels.  He then went to the next closest mechanical being that resembled Cybertronians.  There, he found information on how to interact with sparklings.  Moving along with whatever information he could find, he made notes on how to interact with them when they are good, need discipline, comforting, and communicating with them.  He wondered what would be the best way to communicate with a sparkling.

Going back to the many shelves of data pads, he looked for data on how to simply converse with sparklings.  In a sense, they had their own language, but it consisted of clicks, squeaks, trills, and other little sounds that they made.  Even their body language was hard to understand.  Grabbing some books on other sparkling care, he began to slowly go through it all.  Making notes on all the pros and cons.


Ratchet was looking through some medical data that was just entered into the library on the 5th floor.  He needed to brush up on some things and was interested in seeing new techniques on how to repair a bot more adequately.  As he gathered his data pads, he began to look for a quiet place to look some of the articles over.  As he passed a room that contained all the data on sparklings, he noticed that Springer was inside.  "Springer?" he asked loud enough for Springer to hear.

"Ratchet," said Springer a little surprised.  "What are you doing here?"

"Checking out updates for medical practices," he explained.  "What about you?  I wouldn't have thought a Wrecker would come to the library to read."

"Very funny Ratchet," grumbled Springer.

"Okay… that was off color for me," he chuckled nervously.  "But really… why are you here?  Did you just need to get away from your team?"

"No," replied Springer.  "I came here to weigh out the pros and cons about claiming… that femme."

"Oh… I see," said Ratchet solemnly.  "Which is weighing more?  The pros, or the cons?"

"Because I don't have enough means to raise a sparkling, the cons are out weighing the pros hands down," explained Springer.

"Well, maybe some good news will help the pros," said Ratchet as he placed his books on the table and took a seat.

"What kind of good news will help make things better about raising a sparkling?" questioned Springer.  "My team and I have an erratic schedule, we're up before most sparklings even start to wake, and we don't get back until past their bed time.  And I can't even think about taking a sparkling on a mission.  Especially with Arcee still out there."

"I understand, but you haven't heard what the council is willing to do," said Ratchet.  "I just received confirmation that if you do claim your daughter, every medical issue that she has until her spark gives out."

"Just the medical?" asked Springer.

"No," answered Ratchet.  "That medical plan also will be applied to you and your team.  Also, supplies that are needed for the raising of your daughter will be given to you, free of charge."

"You're kidding me," said Springer, shocked that everything will be taken care of if he claimed his daughter.

"That isn't all," continued Ratchet.  "Babysitting services will also be arranged so she will be taken care of when you're out on those recon missions."

"Wait a minute," said Ratchet.  "There has to be a catch with all of this.  So… what is it?"

"All you have to do is submit a weekly report," concluded Ratchet.  "Depending on how crazy your schedule becomes, either you, your team mates, or the babysitter that is taking care of her needs to submit a weekly report on her progress."

"But… what would I put down on these reports?" asked Springer.  "I don't do reports."

"I will actually be coming up with a report format that will be easy to follow," answered Ratchet.  "It will consist of the basics like her height, weight, name, and things that she has learned or things that she has accomplished.  I will be modifying the format as she continues to grow and receive upgrades."

"But… the apartment that my team and I are sharing is too small to accommodate a sparkling," explained Springer.  "Everyone's room alone is already a death trap with all the different weapons we have.  And don't get me started with Drift's swords."

"I'll see what the council will be willing to do," said Ratchet.  "They may look into finding an apartment here on Cybertron that can accommodate a sparkling."

"You mean if there is a place that is willing to accommodate a sparkling," reiterated Springer.  Before Ratchet could say anything else, Springer's comm. went off.

"Yes?" answered Springer.

"Hey, we just go another recon mission," spoke Kup.  "We're on our way to the ship as we speak.  Meet us there as soon as you can."

"I'd better let you go," said Ratchet, as he gathered up his books.  "I'll try and talk with the council and see what they will do.  And don't forget that at the end of tomorrow, if you don't claim her, she will belong to the science department."

"I know," stated Springer.  With no other word, he left and went straight to the ship.  Finding everyone on board, they received their orders and left.

"So… where were you all day?" asked Drift.  "We saw that you were out of the apartment before any of us woke up."

"I was at the library," answered Springer.

"What were you doing there?" asked Blurr.

"Just doing a little research," answered Springer.

"Researching anything in particular?" asked Kup.

"No, nothing really important," answered Springer.  The ship went quiet as they went on their way towards their objective.  Thankfully, the mission was completely uneventful and came back with more than ample time left.  Nothing much else was spoken for the rest of the day.  Even their normal routine was silent as Drift, Kup, Perceptor, and Blurr began to wonder if Springer would find it in his spark to claim his daughter.

As the day came to a close, Springer found himself looking through the notes that he had made at the library.  He had even made notes on what Ratchet had said that the council would do to help in raising her.  All he had to do was submit a report each week to let them know how she's growing, if she's learning on schedule, and so on.  He sighed as his mind raced endlessly as to whether or not claim her.  He hated her because she was a link between him and Arcee, but it wasn't her choice.  She was just born.  Just like with Arcee, she didn't ask to be created.  She just was by that deranged mech Jhiaxus.  "Maybe I should be a little more compassionate to that sparkling," Springer thought to himself.  "She never asked for any of this, and she isn't aggressive at all.  Maybe I should claim her."  As the questions ran through his mind, he fell asleep.

Day 3

As a new day began on Cybertron, every Autobot began their day as normal.  The hall of records was busily updating records and creating new ones, Autobots across the planet were busy building newer and better buildings, and medical was busily working on repairing injured Autobots that had recently been in a skirmish with a group of Decepticons.  Ratchet was heading up the whole operation in seeing to every wounded as they came it, but had given his apprentice Shaman a very special task.

Down in the nursery, where the little femme lay sleeping, Shaman was snoozing in a rocking chair next to the crib.  He had spent the whole night making a record for her, but there was a very large issue that weighed heavily on him.  She didn't have a name and with her father being M.I.A. in her life, it broke his spark.  She had a very gentle nature compared to her mother who was like an animal.  

Finally waking up from a very short nap, he looked over to see the little femme still sleeping soundly.  "What is going to happen to you if Springer doesn't claim you?" questioned Shaman.  Gently petting her head, she woke up with a slight coo.  Her optic lids looked heavy as she stretched out and chirped happily at him.  He allowed her to play with his fingers as he looked at the clock.  It was 11 hours and 29 minutes until time would be up.  He hadn't heard whether or not if the council would honor his request to take the child and raise her as his own, but because of the circumstances, he didn't get his hopes too high.  All he could do was pray for a miracle.

"Shaman, are you up yet," called Ratchet on the comm.  

"Yes sir Ratchet," spoke Shaman, a little nervous.  "I'm sorry sir if I fell asleep.  I spent all night preparing a record for the little femme that I must have dozed off."

"Hey, don't worry about it," eased Ratchet.  "I know.  I saw you even making the forms for if Springer did claim his daughter.  You really helped out a lot.  I appreciate your work on this.  Why don't you just take the day off?  I'm sure the little femme would appreciate someone playing with her."

"Are you sure sir?" asked Shaman.  "I don't mind helping out with the wounded."

"We have plenty of medics helping right now," explained Ratchet.  "Besides, you are the only mech on staff that she knows the best.  Don't worry.  We can handle things up here.   Just keep an optic on her.  That's an order."

"Yes sir," said Shaman with a smile.  He then looked down at the little femme.  "Looks like I'm going to be keeping an optic on you all day."  The little femme cooed and giggled happily as Shaman caught a ticklish spot.  Scooping her up, he took her over to the wash sink and started a bath for her.

Springer woke up with even more questions swirling around in his head.  Sighing heavily, he became confused and conflicted with himself on whether or not to claim her.  It wasn't her fault that she was born or was the link between Arcee and him.  Nothing was her fault when you really took a look at it.  Trying to put the thoughts out of his mind, he exited his room and went to the kitchen for some energon.  "Morning Springer," said Kup.  "Get enough sleep last night?"

"No… not really," replied Springer.  "Just couldn't sleep."

"I kind of noticed," uttered Blurr.  "I heard you tossing and turning all night.  I couldn't get any sleep because of it."

"Knock it off Blurr," said Perceptor.  "He's had a lot on his mind lately."

"Which reminds me, are you going to claim your daughter?" asked Kup.  Springer sighed and didn't reply.  "Come on lad.  You can't be serious as to letting those mechs at the science department have their way with her if you don't."

"I know," uttered Springer with another heavy sigh.  "I just don't know right now.  What the council is willing to do if I claim her sounds tempting, but I don't want to look like I'm just using her and being greedy."

"What are you talking about?" asked Drift.

"Ratchet came to me yesterday when I was at the library researching sparklings," began Springer.  "He told me that if I claimed my daughter, she and we would be able to get free medical help, everything that she needed would be supplied to us throughout her life, and babysitting services would be made available to us until she was old enough to come with us on missions."

"That sounds like a very nice bargain," said Blurr loudly.  Perceptor smacked him on the head really quickly, and shushed him.

"It is a nice bargain, but there is always a catch," explained Kup.  "So what is the catch?"

"I have to submit a report on her growth once a week until further notice," explained Springer.  

"Well… that doesn't seem so bad," stated Kup.

"But it does pose a problem," said Perceptor.  "Our schedule is not in any way stable for the care and rearing of a sparkling.  Plus with long hours and little time that we are here, she will never get to know us and vice versa."

"So it makes it worthless to have her," said Springer.  Everyone sighed and tried to come up with a way that if they did raise the femme, she would be around them, and only them.


"Yes boss," said Springer as he tried to keep his temper down.  "I guess we got another job guys."

"But what about the kid?" asked Drift.  "You have less than 13 hours to claim her."

"We've done missions that we've been able to do under 12 hours before," said Springer.  "I say, we break our old record."  Everyone smiled and nodded.  Without another word, they went off to break their record for completing a mission.


Back in medical, Shaman had just finished giving the little femme a bath and was drying her off.  "You probably feel a whole lot better now… don't you," he cooed at her.  In reply, she giggled and cooed back at him.

"She's getting attached to you Shaman," said Ratchet through the intercom system.

"I'm sorry sir," he apologized.  "I guess I've grown attached to her as well."

"There's nothing wrong with being attached to someone," started Ratchet.  "But when she is claimed by Springer, it's going to be hard on you, and especially her.  If I was you, I'd start distancing myself so she knows who her father is."

"Yes sir," uttered Shaman as he diapered the femme.  "It's going to be very lonely when you're gone sweetie."  He looked at her lovingly and watched as she yawned and stretched out.  "Guess it's time for a nap."  Placing her in the crib, he covered her up and left the room.

"I know that you're attached to her," started Ratchet as he greeted Shaman outside the nursery.  "But you know that this is the best for her."

"I know sir," said Shaman with a heavy spark.  "I just hope Springer can find it within himself to love her just as I have given love to her."

"He'll find it somewhere within him to be a good father to her," said Ratchet as he placed a comforting hand on Shaman's shoulder.  "Now, I need some help with the wounded that arrived earlier today.  Do you think you can lend me a hand?"

"I know I can sir… but can I at least be with her 10 minutes before time is up," requested Shaman.  "I want to make sure that the personnel at the science department don't come before Springer has time to get here."

"I will grant you that request," said Ratchet.  "But I will let you be with her 1 hour before hand.  Sometimes they like to come really early to claim their prize.  Especially since we have a little femme on our hands who happens to be the offspring of Arcee."  Shaman smiled and thanked Ratchet for his kindness.  Without any other requests in mind, he went about helping Ratchet with some of the wounded that had bigger issues.  Some had limbs blown completely off, while others had lost half their face during their battle with the Decepticons.


As the minutes turned to hours, Shaman kept diligent watch over the time to make sure he was given his one last hour with the femme.  Looking at the clock, he saw that it was an hour before the deadline.  "Ratchet, it's one hour before," spoke Shaman as he helped Ratchet hook a fellow Autobot to life support.  He looked up to see that Shaman was right and dismissed him.  

As he made his way down to the nursery, he was walking by the main desk to see some of the science personnel begin to gather.  His spark began to fear what was happening at the nursery since he was away.  Breaking into a full run, he ran as fast as he could.  Upon arrival, he looked in to see the little femme reaching for a mobile that was hanging from the head of her crib.  

He sighed heavily and was thankful that no one had tried to take her without permission.  Going through the sanitization chamber, he entered the room to hear the femme giggling and laughing happily as she watched the mobile spin slowly above her.  "It must be really nice to just be so innocent," said Shaman to the femme.  She turned her gaze from the mobile to him and smiled happily as if saying, 'Welcome back.  I missed you so much'.  He offered her his finger in which she gladly took and played with him.

As the hour began to wind down, Shaman washed her one last time to make sure she was presentable, fed her, and then closed her in a sealed container to keep any viruses or germs that could cause her to fall ill out.  He knew that once time was up, the room would be opened up and everything that he fought to keep out would be let in.  Glancing one more time up at the clock, it was 10 minutes until the deadline.  Sighing deeply, he heard the slapping of tiny hands on glass.  Looking down, there was the femme, smacking the glass dome that encased her.  Tears had fallen from her optics and fear could be seen beaming from them as well.  "I know sweetspark, but I need to keep you in there so you will be safe," explained Shaman.  "I'm sorry."

The little femme began to squeak, chirp, trill and cry harder as she desperately tried to get out.  Shaman felt horrible for having to close her in, but it was a safety matter and he would never forgive himself it she ever became so ill that she couldn't recover.  And with her immune system still too weak to fight anything, he wasn't going to chance anything.  Sitting in a chair next to her bed, he glanced back up at the clock.  "Seven minutes left," thought Shaman.  "Springer… I do hope you get here soon."  As he laid back in the rocking chair, he heard the sound of glass shattering as mechs from the science department came barging into the nursery.  "HEY, NONE OF YOU ARE ALLOWED HERE UNTIL THE DEADLINE HAS ARRIVED!!!"

"Sorry kid," spoke one of the scientists.  "Springer isn't here and he will never be here on time.  She's coming with us."  Shaman lunged at the mechs that were trying to break open the dome that covered the crib.

"STOP THAT!!!" he yelled, but was thrown to the ground faster than he could think.

"You, rookie, don't have any say in this," spoke a familiar voice.  Shaman looked up to see Councilman Tiebreaker.  "Springer won't be back for another hour or so.  I made sure of that."

"What are you talking about?" asked Shaman as he tried everything in his power to break free.

"I paid his boss to send them to retrieve a ship that had no power or anything to get back to Cybertron," Tiebreaker explained.  "This ship is at least three to four times the size of any previous ships they have had to bring back.  They will never get back here in time."

"Councilman, the controls have a password that has to be entered to open the dome," spoke one of the scientists.  "Unless this mech knows it, we can't get in."  Tiebreaker glared at Shaman.

"You had better tell them, or I will allow them to break that dome open," he threatened.

"I don't know it," answered Shaman.  "Only Ratchet knows it.  I follow his orders, not yours."

"Very well then," snarled Tiebreaker. He then nodded and one of the scientists took out a heavy rod to break open the dome.  

"Sir, please tell him to stop," begged Shaman as he saw the scientist begin to bash in the dome.  "She has barely any immune system.  She can die if she catches anything."

"Do I look like I care rookie?" sneered Tiebreaker.  Shaman tried again to break free from his capture's hold, but nothing worked.  He could only watch as the femme cowered in fear of the commotion.  Every bang that she heard over her head sent her crying harder and harder, as if begging for it to stop.  Finally, the dome began to break.

"PLEASE STOP IT!!!!!!!" screamed Shaman.  As the rod was lifted into the air for one more blow, a shot rang out and blew the rod out of the scientist's hand.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you," spoke Perceptor.  Shaman looked over to see Perceptor taking aim at the scientist that was by the crib.  "Step away from her right now."

"You're too late," yelled Tiebreaker.  "The time is already up."

"Acutally, there are 5 more minutes left until the deadline," spoke Springer as he walked in.

"Thank Primus," sighed Shaman.  "I thought that you would never make it here."

"That's what I thought too when we found that ship," said Springer.  "When we realized that there was no power, I called Optimus Prime to see if we could get a little help bringing it back."

"I was more than willing to obligate and give Springer and his team a hand," said Optimus as he stepped out from behind Springer.  "And make sure there were here on time to claim her."

"Optimus sir… I didn't know that you were going to be here," said Tiebreaker nervously.  "What a pleasant surprise."  Optimus only glowered at Tiebreaker.

"Consider this offence, two strikes against you, Tiebreaker," he stated angrily.  "You know that as an Autobot, we help to protect and preserve life, where ever it may be and whatever it takes form of."  Tiebreaker knew that if he got one more strike against him, he would be thrown out of the council and never be allowed to return.  "Now, let Shaman go… right now."  

"Thank you Optimus sir," spoke Shaman as he was let go.

"SWEET PRIMUS… WHAT THE SLAG HAPPENED HERE?!?!?!" yelled Ratchet as his jaw about hit the floor.  Didn't take long for everyone to point at Tiebreaker and the scientists.
Here's Chapter 5 people. Sorry for the wait.

Copy rights belong to their proper owners.

Chapter 1: [link]
Chapter 2: [link]
Chapter 3: [link]
Chapter 4: [link]
Chapter 5: You just read it.
Chapter 6: [link]
Chapter 7: [link]
Chapter 8: [link]
© 2010 - 2024 Mira518
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Night-Glider's avatar
they arrive just in time! :noes:
ok, to the next chapter